publications by our experts
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Welcome to the Osaka world of research. Innovation is an integral part of our every day work and our experts are committed to staying on top of new findings and research by publishing in renowned scientific journals. Take a look at our Club of Experts to learn more about our leading professionals or read more about their work below.

Crista Francot
Team Lead for Disinfectant and Sanitizer Testing
She holds a M.S. in Clinical Molecular Genetics from Northern Michigan University and a B.S. degree in Microbiology from Texas State University. Crista is working towards a goal of finding safe, effective treatments for cancer – one that she takes very personally.
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Alita Padilla
Team Lead for Cosmetics and Challenge Testing
She holds a B.S. degree in Microbiology from the University of Oklahoma. She takes part in a broad range of studies to support the personal care industry. She has a strong work ethic, excellent attention to detail, and a genuine interest in seeing her studies through to successful completion.

Nicole Lambert
Chief Compliance Officer, Osaka Lab, Inc.
Nicole joined the company in 2019. She has compliance certifications for US, Europe and Latin America from Seton Hall, INSEAD University of Paris and University of Miami. She has been an international speaker on compliance topics and is considered a subject matter expert in her field.

Raymond Francot
President and CEO, Osaka Lab, Inc.
Paul currently serves on the board of directors of DaVita.Paul earned a bachelor’s degree in Finance and Accounting from American University’s Kogod School of Business and a law degree from Georgetown University Law Center in Washington, D.C.